has been destroyed as a useful name for this pheno- menon because it is employed by reporters, laymen and even by medical people without making distinctions between the various kinds of people that cross dress. Thus you will read about a police raid on a homo- sexual hangout and see that they "picked up 8 trans- vestites--men dressed in feminine attire". These persons would not be of the type you see among you tonight. They would be homosexuals of the effeminate type usually called "queens". Again you may read about persons who have had sex change surgery or who are trying to arrnage it. These persons if they utilize feminine attire, will be called transvestites too. Yet they are more properly called transsexuals-- like Christine Jorgensen. Both of these groups, the homosexuals and the transexuals, are interested in sexual relations with males, the difference being that the former wish to remain males themselves and regard their male organs as sources of satisfaction while the transexuals do not regard their male organs with any pleasure but wish to have them removed and female organs surgically constructed so that they may behave with a male as a female would.
So where does that leave persons like those you are meeting here tonight? We are of a different type and thus to avoid confusion I am trying to get a new descriptive name accepted, that of being a *"'Femmi- phile" and the condition that of "Femmiphilia". These words mean "love of the feminine" for that describes our position exactly. We are heterosexual males whose sex objects are females and who for the most part have no desire to change sex. Statistics show that 70% of femmiphiles are married and about 70% of those have children. This is not to say that there are not those in the transvestite group who feel that they would be more comfortable in their total life if they were allowed to live a completely feminine life and that to do so with security and comfort they should have the sex surgery. These persons however are usually those whose sex drive is not large so that they would be making such a change